Hiya and Welcome

Photos, recipes, and what goes on!

~Western Belle

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two Different Worlds In Weather

Yesterday I went into town with mom and my older brother because we needed to get some clothes. The weather up at our house was half and half between sunny and cloudy. But amazingly enough, the weather was really different in town. Mom and I took some photos of us above the clouds, and I tried to take some shots of us after we had entered the clouds.

This one is my favorite. It really shows that the weather was a lot different.

A little while before we entered the clouds.

Not more then ten minutes away from the last photos.
The trees.

~Western Belle

Friday, February 18, 2011

Night Time Camera Photos.

This evening I went outside to take photos of the moon, which is very pretty, but as I could not get very many of those and deer were handy, they ended up on the photos. Here are a few photos of them!

The last photo is of one of my attempts on capturing the moon. My little brother shone the spotlight on them for me to take a picture of them.

This is my favorite.

Their eating goodies from the garden.

~Western Belle

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A little Update :)

It has been a beautiful week up here! The wind blew fiercely today, but it was still nice. On Tuesday and Monday we went riding. On Monday we had a little excitement over flirty horses. I need to learn to not panic at the slightest craziness of Spirit. It is hard for me..... On Tuesday we just went up and down the block a couple times. So nice!!!!! Spirit's feet have been doing so well lately! Which is nice!!!! Unfortunately she has a nasty eye infection. We have been doing her two or three times a day with our formula of 1/4 a cup of hydrogen peroxide to a cup of water. I finally think we have gotten success in getting some in her eye!!!! She doesn't enjoy it anymore than we do. We think the eye infection may have been a result to the wind which has been pretty wild. Hopefully that will clear out though. Earlier this week, on Sunday, the horse and camel decided to get out and have fun. The first time they both bolted out of the pen.... and Dad went to close the gate to our driveway.... as he was going Tu and Spirit whipped out the gate and down the road. Thankfully, they came back! They got out a second time, at least Spirit did, but managed to stay on the property that time. For the most part Spirit seems to be doing well. She seems to be holding on her weight, which was a problem earlier this fall, so that is good!!! She and Tu typically free feed so it is most likely easier for her to keep her weight on.

Anyways, it has been a beautiful week, the moon, as I write, is stunning!!!!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Fun!

Today was Saturday. We did a lot of cleaning today, as usual, but we also had a little bit of fun. As Mom has a new camera, the couch was pulled apart for cleaning, and I have fun-loving-brothers, there were flying boys around the room, at least flying until they hit the couch cushions on a our living room floor. Thanks to a new camera, we have a lot more photos then usual to post.

Here are some of the photos: Enjoy!

My oldest (actually only older) brother "Living Room Flying".

My little brother attempts to "fly" to the cushions.

My older brother was by far the best at this game.

I attempt it. I am definitely too cautious to be good at this.

My little brother at launch off.

A landing.

My older brother

~Western Belle

Friday, February 4, 2011

Outdoor fun!

Today we actually had some sled-able snow :). Not a lot, and not the best run, but okay for a little family sled time. Mom took some pictures of us....... Below are some of them. Enjoy!!!

Group Pic!

See? It is feels like summer out here?

Still not cold.... Welll.......

An attempt on a double sled.

When there are not enough sleds and you cannot snowboard..... Attempt snowboard-sledding. :)

Sled-boarding :).

I am a terrible steerer :).

Can I join the fun?

Another pic before we launch off!

My brother and sister try a pancake sled down.

Operation Nextdoor

Ok. So last night, February 4th, 2011, we got a little more snow. Me and my brother went out and sort of played in army suits. Here are a few pictures of us messing around.

Me and Tu. :)

My brother and Tu.
My brother and a fake gun. :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Frigid, and more frigid!

This winter has been exceptionally warm. We have had forty degree days, nice for riding and only a few inches of snow. But we finally got a little bit of a cold spell. -13 degrees this morning and very cold lately. So cold that my hair froze almost instantly after taking a shower, and even the inside of the green house door has frost on it. BRRR. Well we don't really have icicles, but man it has been cold! And I actually kind of like cold spells..... We haven't had one this cold for a while yet, though.

Here are some photos of the cold spell :). Enjoy!

Me out in the snow. It must have been the first evening of the cold spell.
Tu this morning/afternoon.

What it was a little like one of the evening.
One of the evenings again.
This morning or afternoon, with some more snow.